Weekly Commodity Strategy Review 09/19/2014

Our week started off with a bang. Monday, we discussed how we use the small speculator category of the weekly Commitment of Traders report to pick off failing moves in the markets. The rally in cotton futures set us up beautifully for the sell signal we published at TraderPlanet and we've got more than $1,500 per contract in the trade already.

COT Data: What can You Learn from Small Speculators

We spent the rest of the week focused on Thursday's Scottish vote. There's a very interesting angle playing out among the commercial traders in the currency markets. The Commitment of Traders Report clearly shows that commercial traders are expecting these currency markets to tighten rather than continuing to widen as they have for the last 5-6 weeks.

Our piece on Tuesday for Equities.com touched on the basics in, "Currency Trading the Scottish Secession Vote."

Finally, our primary piece delved deeper into the same currency analysis, "Currency Reversal on Scottish Vote." The primary factors for our currency expectations are still in play and we continue to look for the technical pattern that we outlined yesterday.